I knew from the day we moved in to the house that this wall will be not covered with many pieces of furniture and thus will need to be creatively decorated, and I've decided to put up wallpaper to make it pop. However due to a floorplan of the space, covering the entire wall was not an option and so I've decided to merge wainscoting and wallpaper project into one design.
Step-by-step instruction on how to put up wallpaper in a frame/ panel.
1. Take precise measurements of wall frames, and gap distance. We have left 9 inches gap from the ceiling, the floor and in between frames.
2. Using pencil, outline boarders for where your wallpaper will go.
3. Using wallpaper adhesive, put up wallpaper to outlines boarders.
4. Tip: Make sure you put enough wallpaper paste onto your sheet, but careful not to saturate it to avoid it getting on the face side of your wallpaper.
Tip 2: When paste has been applied to your wallpaper sheet, first fold each side of your sheet inwards (paste side down), then fold your sheet in half. This will help you to apply the wallpaper sheet onto the wall with ease.
5. Allow 24 hours for the wallpaper to dry before framing it using molding of your choice. We got ours at a local lumber store where we got it cut at 45 degree angle.
Tip: prime and paint your molding before attaching to the wall. After molding is up, you will be very limited in how much touch ups you can actually do without getting paint on your wallpaper.
Tips 2: Remove outlet plate and cover the outlet with painter tape to avoid paste getting into it. Carefully cut an X with hunter's knife and remove wallpaper from it piece-by-piece. It is important to have patience and not to pull the wallpaper, otherwise it will tear. You can immediately place an outlet plate back on to the wall.
If having a white outlet plate on your wallpaper frame is not of your choice, then cover it with a scrap wallpaper carefully matching the pattern.
6. Using adhesive (we used liquid nails) and finishing nails to attach your molding onto the wall. Once done, set nails and carefully patty up holes and finish with a paint touch up.
Enjoy your new wall! My hubby and I are absolutely in love with how the wall turned out and the project was very inexpensive and easy to complete on your own.
Project cost:
Materials bought from Lowes - $32
Wallpaper by Graham & Brown from Urban Outfitters - $130 with a coupon
Molding from a local lumbar store- $140 (includes $24 cutting fee)
Total project: $302