Monday, June 17, 2013

Black and White Chic

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and a great Father's Day! I am back from a relaxing weekend and feeling inspired by all the sunshine, California green landscapes and gardens, and friendly socializing I have had over the past weekend. My weekend activities made me think of a perfect entertainment space that will be timeless, chic, and best of all- will be easy (and inexpensive) to make adjustments to for when you are ready for something new.

I once was shopping for fabrics and spotted a gorgeous black and white stripe pattern that I've been obsessed about for weeks. It can be used anywhere in the house and outside, and the bold and classic black pattern will instantly add glamour and sophistication to any place. I love the B&W combination with green, deep blues, and purples for their bright, modern and youthful feel. At my house, the best place for the B&W pattern will be the dining room, with a compliments of gold metals.

Via Pinterest
 I love this pattern on the curtains as it makes the room seem much larger than it actually is. What a perfect solution for small spaces.
Via Pinterest
 A very sophisticated family room with straight lines and lots of sunlight.
Via Pinterest
 And this chair, OH My! What a great piece to incorporate into your already existing design without re-doing the entire room. By adding just one piece in a bold and eye-catching pattern, the room will transform itself and feel freshly updated. Decorate the space with bright solid colors to bring life and energy into your space.
Via Pinterest

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to find your muse?

It is great to have days be filled with interesting projects and important tasks, especially because they challenge and push you further to accomplish bigger goals and aspirations. I find life to be dull without an inspiration, which I believe can be found in anything that surrounds us- nature, people, architecture, and even the smallest and forgotten pieces of your past. When a busy day winds down and you finally have few minutes for yourself, do you reflect upon your day or your life? In the ideal world, you should acknowledge and embrace every event (small, big, significant or not) that happen to you on that day, because there is always a lesson to be learned for us. However, in a typical world, not many of us have the time or the opportunity to reflect, and we forgo a restoration of our emotional and creative needs until we can no longer understand what stands us apart from the rest, or what moves us in life.

My life is no exception. I have had very busy year so far, and haven't had the time to slow down for a minute to reflect upon it. I have many ideas, many goals that I would like to accomplish this year, but I find myself dreaming more often than ever before about my "muse" and the ways I would like to find it. What do you do to find an inspiration and energy to help you conquer the world?